November 2024
- Hatchet by Paulson(Listening): A book about surviving wilderness. It was a good listen.
- Same as every by Morgan Housel(Listening): Lots of great insight in this book. Had a fun time with this one.
- Existentialism is humanism by Jean Paul Sartre: I came to know about Sartre after reading The Stranger by Albert Camus. It was interesting to read about a great philospher and thinker.
- In the beginning..was command line by Neal Stephenson: An ode to command line and old school computing.
- Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese: A really short book with some good and age old ideas about how to be creating and stay creative.
- This is your mind on plants by Micheal Pollen(Listening): This is my second Micheal Pollen book. Plants and how they impact humans, specially pshycadelics and coffee etc.
- Gulp by Mary Roach(Listening): What goes inside our body after we eat food. Fun science writing.
- Remember by Lisa Genova(Listening): A book about brain and how brain remember things.
- Slow Productivity by Carl Newport: this is very similar to other writing from Carl Newport. Basic idea is “Do fewer things” and “obsess over quality”.