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Auto Instrumenting a Go server using Open Telemetry

  1. Go
  2. Open Telemetry
  3. Instrumentation
  4. Observability

OpenTelemetry is an observability framework – an API, SDK, and tools that are designed to aid in the generation and collection of application telemetry data such as metrics, logs, and traces.

There are 2 ways to instrument a Go application.

  1. Manual Instrumentation
  2. Auto Instrumentation

Instrumenting an application generally involves a significant manual effort on developer part. Open Telemetry for Go(and many other popular languages) supports auto instrumentation using wrappers and helper functions around many popular frameworks and libraries in Go programming languages.

Here is the list and registry of these instrumentations in OpenTelemetry.

Sample Go application with auto-instrumentation for tracing

Today we are going to write some simple code to instrument a net/http server with openTelemetry tracing.

tracing.go file

package main

import (

	sdktrace "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace"

func initTracer() {
	// Create stdout exporter to be able to retrieve
	// the collected spans.
	exporter, err := stdout.NewExporter(stdout.WithPrettyPrint())
	if err != nil {

	// use sdktrace.AlwaysSample sampler to sample all traces.
	tp := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(
	if err != nil {
	otel.SetTextMapPropagator(propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(propagation.TraceContext{}, propagation.Baggage{}))

server.go file

package main

import (



func main() {

	// initialize otel tracing for server

	helloHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		ctx := req.Context()
		// Add a trace span using request context
		span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)
        span.SetName("handling request")

		_, _ = io.WriteString(w, "Hello, world!\n")

	// Wrapping http handlerwith otel auto instrumentation
	autoInstrumentedHandler := otelhttp.NewHandler(http.HandlerFunc(helloHandler), "Hello")

	http.Handle("/hello", autoInstrumentedHandler)
	err := http.ListenAndServe(":7777", nil)
	if err != nil {

When I make a call to my otel instrumented net/http server, this is the response that I get.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Traceparent: 00-44f20dd6c5ee98caf23a7dc36fa0d678-a58ae87ff5f41c40-01
    Date: Sun, 16 May 2021 21:40:57 GMT
    Content-Length: 14
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    Hello, world!

And this is the trace information from stdout tracer.

                "SpanContext": {
                        "TraceID": "b540d70b95e78680a2e3ef0393738072",
                        "SpanID": "302651dc6df28fd3",
                        "TraceFlags": "01",
                        "TraceState": null,
                        "Remote": false
                "Parent": {
                        "TraceID": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
                        "SpanID": "0000000000000000",
                        "TraceFlags": "00",
                        "TraceState": null,
                        "Remote": false
                "SpanKind": 2,
                "Name": "handling request",
                "StartTime": "2021-05-16T16:54:29.824377-05:00",
                "EndTime": "2021-05-16T16:54:29.824447353-05:00",
                "Attributes": [
                                "Key": "net.transport",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "IP.TCP"
                                "Key": "net.peer.name",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "[::1]"
                                "Key": "net.peer.port",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "INT64",
                                        "Value": 53068
                                "Key": "net.host.name",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "localhost"
                                "Key": "net.host.port",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "INT64",
                                        "Value": 7777
                                "Key": "http.method",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "GET"
                                "Key": "http.target",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "/hello"
                                "Key": "http.server_name",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "Hello"
                                "Key": "http.user_agent",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "curl/7.64.1"
                                "Key": "http.scheme",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "http"
                                "Key": "http.host",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "localhost:7777"
                                "Key": "http.flavor",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "1.1"
                                "Key": "http.wrote_bytes",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "INT64",
                                        "Value": 14
                                "Key": "http.status_code",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "INT64",
                                        "Value": 200
                "MessageEvents": null,
                "Links": null,
                "StatusCode": "Unset",
                "StatusMessage": "",
                "DroppedAttributeCount": 0,
                "DroppedMessageEventCount": 0,
                "DroppedLinkCount": 0,
                "ChildSpanCount": 0,
                "Resource": [
                                "Key": "service.name",
                                "Value": {
                                        "Type": "STRING",
                                        "Value": "ExampleService"
                "InstrumentationLibrary": {
                        "Name": "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp",
                        "Version": "semver:0.20.0"

As you can see, it is quite easy to instrument a server using open telemetry in Go, Trace output becomes even more interesting when used with a trace UI such as Jeager, Tempo etc.