var block changed to init function in assembly
December 28, 2016
TIL - go turns a var block in init function behind the scenes.
package main
import "fmt"
var (
testError1 = fmt.Errorf("%s ", "I am error one")
testError2 = fmt.Errorf("%s ", "I am error two")
func main() {}
So if you look at the assembly code below, you will see that we have .main
and .init
. .init
function has 0x0049 00073 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ go.string."I am error one"(SB), AX
which is in var block
in my go code above.
"".main t=1 size=1 args=0x0 locals=0x0
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) TEXT "".main(SB), $0-0
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) NOP
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) NOP
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:10) RET
0x0000 c3 .
"".init t=1 size=605 args=0x0 locals=0x70
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) TEXT "".init(SB), $112-0
0x0000 00000 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) MOVQ (TLS), CX
0x0009 00009 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) CMPQ SP, 16(CX)
0x000d 00013 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) JLS 595
0x0013 00019 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) SUBQ $112, SP
0x0017 00023 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) MOVQ BP, 104(SP)
0x001c 00028 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) LEAQ 104(SP), BP
0x0021 00033 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) FUNCDATA $0, gclocals·3e27b3aa6b89137cce48b3379a2a6610(SB)
0x0021 00033 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) FUNCDATA $1, gclocals·3672590320383b7a4beab9e3e42e1c00(SB)
0x0021 00033 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) MOVBLZX "".initdone·(SB), AX
0x0028 00040 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) CMPB AL, $1
0x002a 00042 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) JLS $0, 54
0x002c 00044 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) MOVQ 104(SP), BP
0x0031 00049 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) ADDQ $112, SP
0x0035 00053 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) RET
0x0036 00054 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) JNE $0, 61
0x0038 00056 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) PCDATA $0, $0
0x0038 00056 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) CALL runtime.throwinit(SB)
0x003d 00061 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) MOVB $1, "".initdone·(SB)
0x0044 00068 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) PCDATA $0, $0
0x0044 00068 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:11) CALL fmt.init(SB)
0x0049 00073 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ go.string."I am error one"(SB), AX
0x0050 00080 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ AX, "".autotmp_0+88(SP)
0x0055 00085 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ $14, "".autotmp_0+96(SP)
0x005e 00094 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ type.[1]interface {}(SB), AX
0x0065 00101 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ AX, (SP)
0x0069 00105 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) PCDATA $0, $1
0x0069 00105 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) CALL runtime.newobject(SB)
0x006e 00110 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ 8(SP), AX
0x0073 00115 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ AX, "".autotmp_8+64(SP)
0x0078 00120 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ type.string(SB), CX
0x007f 00127 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ CX, (SP)
0x0083 00131 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ "".autotmp_0+88(SP), DX
0x0088 00136 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ DX, 8(SP)
0x008d 00141 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ $0, 16(SP)
0x0096 00150 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) PCDATA $0, $2
0x0096 00150 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) CALL runtime.convT2E(SB)
0x009b 00155 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ 32(SP), AX
0x00a0 00160 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ 24(SP), CX
0x00a5 00165 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ "".autotmp_8+64(SP), DX
0x00aa 00170 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ CX, (DX)
0x00ad 00173 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVL runtime.writeBarrier(SB), CX
0x00b3 00179 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) TESTB CL, CL
0x00b5 00181 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) JNE $0, 567
0x00bb 00187 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) MOVQ AX, 8(DX)
0x00bf 00191 (/Users/vakumar/temp/test.go:6) LEAQ go.string."%s "(SB), AX